VIDEO: Nursery get Active to raise funds for Soft Play Equipment

Apollo Class, along with all our classes in the school, are taking part in the Virgin London Mini Marathon – covering at least 2.6 miles by running, walking, hopping, jumping or skipping! Click the 4 arrow icon to watch on full screen! Nursery are hoping to raise enough to get some new soft play equipment – can you help to …

NEW School Video is launched!

We are so proud to launch our school video, which is now on our home page! The video (just over 5 and a half minutes long) gives a great flavour of our unique school, its broad curriculum and focus on inspiring every pupil. Whether a current member of the Halley House community or a prospective parent, carer, advisor or staff …

Halley House Nursery is OPEN!

We are so delighted to welcome our new Nursery pupils and their families to join the Halley House Community. Located alongside our Reception class, the pupils have their own separate entrance! The Nursery will be open 48 weeks a year, offering core hours and an extended day option like the rest of the school. For more information, to visit or …

DfE approves Halley House Nursery to open September 2021

We are delighted to confirm that the Department for Education (DfE) have approved Nursery provision at Halley House for 3-4 year olds starting September 2021. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER: As an introductory offer, if you sign up your child before 13th August 2021 to start in September 2021, you will receive the following absolutely free!  Free school nursery uniform (green …

National Schools launch ‘Breakfast at home’ menus on their website!

The National School Breakfast Programme has launched its breakfast at home area on the Family Action website, where you will find lots of information and advice on providing a low cost, nutritious, daily breakfast at home. Need some tips for a stress free and nutritious breakfast at home – Visit:

NURSERY Page on our Website

We are delighted to have created a page on our website for our Nursery.  This new page contains all you need to know about our new provision. Overtime, we will add more information regarding the curriculum, daily timetables etc. Until then, you will already find details on funded hours, fees for extended daytime attendance, uniform and a Registration Form for …

Halley awarded Primary Science Quality Mark!

“We are delighted to inform you that your submission for the Science Mark was successful. Congratulations! The commitment to leading science in school over the last 18 months has been outstanding & the positive impact evident in the reflective documents.” from PSQM This is fantastic recognition of our schools work in Science, one which every member of our community can …

Our new Library takes shape!

Our school library is really taking shape now. All the hand built units are complete, messages up on the wall and a key of the book types ready. Thank you so much Friends of Halley House (FOHH) for everything you have done to support this project.  

BPET Spring 2021 Newsletter

We are delighted to share with you the BPET central spring newsletter which gives you a flavour of all the amazing thing our Trust has been doing this term.  We are always grateful for the training and development support the trust gives our staff.  Personal and professional development is so important to ensure we provide the highest quality teaching and …