You must apply for a primary school place one year before your child can start school. You need to apply when your child is three or has just turned four. If you would like to request for your child to be educated outside of their chronological age group, this should be discussed with the Headteacher of your allocated school after an offer has been made.
Applications for September 2025 are now open and will close on 15 January 2025. Notification letters are sent out the following April (around the 16th April) communicating the result of the process.
Applying for a place at Halley House School
Families do not pay fees, as we are a free school.
For a place at our school, you will need to apply through Hackney Council using their online form. You may need to supply proof of your address to prove that you’ll live in the area before the start of the next school term.
We are a one-form entry school, which means that we admit up to 30 children into Reception year. When full, we have 210 pupils on roll. When there are fewer applicants than places available, all applicants will be admitted.
If there is a greater demand than places available, places will be offered using the oversubscription criteria explained in our Admission Policy, in keeping with the School Admissions Code 2021.
Admission Policy 2026-2027 We ran a consultation of this policy. Read the consultation report.
If your child has not been offered a place, you can appeal this decision. To appeal, download and complete the Halley House appeal form. This form must be sent to us no later than 20 days after the date of the decision against which you wish to appeal.
In-year admissions
For in-year admissions please apply through the Hackney Education and Schools portal.
If you have any questions, contact our office , 020 7504 0548.