Performance reports
Halley House School has been rated as 'Good in all areas' by Ofsted in July 2024.
Our first inspection took place in 2018, which also resulted in a 'Good' judgement in all areas.
Key 2 Stage 2024 results
Our Pupil achievement is good, with 72% achieving the expected standard in Reading at the end of Year 6 and 50% at greater depth. In Year 1, 87% of pupils passed the phonics test, which is above the national average of 79% in 2023 and 80% in 2024.
Subject(s) | Halley House School | Local Authority | National Average |
Reading, Writing, Maths combined - Expected Standard | 61% | 73% | 61% |
Reading, Writing, Maths combined - Higher Score | 11% | 14% | 8% |
Reading - Expected Standard | 72% | 81% | 74% |
Writing - Expected Standard | 67% | 81% | 72% |
Maths - Expected Standard | 78% | 81% | 73% |
Reading - Higher Score | 50% | 37% | 28% |
Writing - Greater Depth | 11% | 26% | 13% |
Maths - High Score | 17% | 29% | 24% |
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Expected Standard | 78% | 78% | 72% |
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - High Score | 50% | 37% | 32% |
Government Performance Tables
The Government gathers data on schools and compares them with the national data. You can see Halley House School’s performance tables here.
Parent View
Parents of children at our school have the opportunity to give their opinions to Ofsted through the Parent View Survey.