Excellent response as Reception 2015 admissions open

Admissions for 2015 Reception places at Halley House School have recently opened and we have already received a number of applications from parents and carers keen to secure a place for their child. We are thrilled with this excellent response and we look forward to working with parents and members of the wider local community to shape Halley House to be an excellent local school which will help provide much-needed primary school places in the area.

Claire Delaney, Chair of Bellevue Place Education Trust, says: “Halley House School will join our family of successful primary schools and will follow the model established by Bellevue Place Education Trust, offering a blend of the very best of state and private education. The school will offer a rich, varied and broad curriculum full of arts, drama, sport, music and academic rigour. Bellevue Place children are happy, confident, successful ‘all-rounders’ who expect to win and achieve in an inclusive setting where children, parents and school staff work together to provide the best.”

In essence, an application to Halley House School is a risk-free choice for 2015 as applications are made in addition to the usual Local Authority process. This gives parents and carers a chance they may be offered two places, one from Halley House School and one through the Local Authority. Applications will close on 15th January 2015, in line with other local schools.

Apply now for a 2015 Reception place

Register an interest to be kept up-to-date with the school’s progress and information about upcoming Open Events.

Please call 0845 459 0113 or email info@halleyhouseschool.org.uk for more information about the school or to request a paper application form.