World Book Day March 2019

World Book Day Once again Halley House have celebrated by dressing up as our favourite fictional characters! Staff and pupils spent the day as superheroes, Unicorns, wizards, witches, nannies, Wally and all kinds of weird and wonderful creations. Well done to everyone for the effort involved in making this an event to remember! There will be more photos to come. Enjoy! …

Ten Top Tips for New Pupils Starting School

Beginning school for the first time is a key milestone for new pupils and parents alike, and it can be an emotionally difficult time for both. It’s perfectly natural to feel nervous and excited, though with preparation you can manage this period of change to ensure that you and your child enjoy the first of life’s many transitions! Below are …

Updated Policies in line with GDPR Requirements

General Data Protection Regulation is legislation designed to make it easier for you to control how Halley House School uses parents/carers personal details and those of pupils. We need to make it clear to you What personal data we collect and keep Why we collect and keep the data How we use personal data Where we keep personal data How long …

Parent View and BPET Parent Surveys

As parents and carers are by now no doubt aware, Halley House is a school that places a large emphasis on regular feedback. That’s why this month we’ve asked our families to complete two questionnaires! In anticipation of an Ofsted visit this term, we would be very grateful if parents and carers could complete the survey on Parent View – this helps us …

Pictures from Tate Modern ASSEMBLY 2018

Last Tuesday, Halley House joined over 60 other schools (1500 children!) taking part in Tate Modern’s ASSEMBLY 2018! We had a fantastic time and were delighted to be able to participate in such a wonderful project. See our slideshow below:

Little Stars Stay and Play

Every Tuesday, we’re running our Little Stars Stay and Play sessions from 9-11am. These are free (£1 suggested donation!) and a fantastic way to meet other parents with young children. Everyone’s welcome, especially if you have chosen Halley House School as your first choice for September 2018! We hope to see you there!

100 Million Minutes Reading Challenge

Congratulations to the TWO Halley House parents who made the top 10 Leaderboard for Achievement for All’s ‘100 Million Minute Challenge’! As a school, we’re extremely grateful to Ashleigh Solgun for galvanising us all – her efforts are reflected in this fantastic achievement. Thank you to everyone who took part and truly WELL DONE!

New Parent Survey Results

We recently asked parents whose children started in EYFS in the autumn term of 2017 to complete a ‘new parent survey’. The findings are provided here. Thank you to those parents who were able to send in responses. The number of respondents to the survey was 8, which was less than we had hoped for. Here are the things that …

How to apply for a place at Halley House School

Apply now for a 2018 Reception place Admissions are open for you to apply for a place at Halley House School for your child to start school in September 2018. Apply by 15th January 2018 for a 2018/19 Reception place via the Pan London eAdmissions system in the same way as other local schools within the Local Authority. Find out more:  …